Wednesday, January 8

Awakened Child Speaks The Truth

Awakened Child Speaks The Truth 


Rule from the Shadows - The Psychology of Power

Published on Jan 7, 2014
Time to look behind the curtain. 

The very intelligent can use the intellect of other to do evil things -   [djw] 

Deadly Women - Intellect Used For Evil.

I have seen the faces of Women who think like this.
The good looking features of their faces turn into a sight that scares a man.
Intellect Used For Evil. 

Boss selling restaurant to save employee with brain tumor

The 19-year-old doesn’t have insurance and reportedly can’t even afford to learn whether her tumor is benign or malignant.
So her boss has decided to sell his 6,000 square foot restaurant to help. He told KHOU-TV he will donate the money to Mathis.
“I really think it’s an amazing blessing and can’t thank him enough and his family,” Mathis said. “Never thought that anybody would do that and he did and it makes me feel really good.”