Friday 18, July 2014 by Don Wesley 1933
Up dated October 11, 2014
What can a Book teach us if we just
look at it?
Nothing; one might say.
Is the Bible different?
The Bible
is a very old book of News.
For some of us, just holding a copy of a leather
bound copy seems special.
It is divided into two parts
The Very Old.....
and the more recent News which is already
2000 years Old.
Why does it
stick around today?
It seems to live without needing any help from
seeing this tiny publication with its yellow cover and its title, made me stop
and think.
Yes, I confess, I’m an introverted reader and thinker type of
I created this “post for my blog” this
morning.... after returning from an early morning breakfast at Tim Hortons.
And now... all can see and read it. It is More for my absent
family-children to know.
You see the yellow cover of the
tiny-Book, with the name, “What does the bible Really teach?” .....
I had
this tiny-book in my small portable collection.
I haven’t read all of the
big-Bible, except for the Book of Job.
But, I like most others, claim to
know more about matters of the Heart; because I have been influenced by God
since I was conceived.... at the very least in my DNA. Some claim to know
the infinite knowledge of all of it. The collective mind, knows all!
I thought a little last night, and realized the question on this tiny-book cover
is tricky and wise.
What popped into my mind was,
“Who should really tell us what the Bible can teach us
Jesus answered and apparently said ...... "No one but ourselves.... while in direct
communication with the Holy Spirit."
Talking to God, is talking to ourself.
We have cell phones
today, to spread his new words of wisdom. We have evolved over the two thousand years.
The Bible, .... is just old news
from writers of those times past.
God never said a word to the world.
So the reporters of news about God.... before Jesus..... was written by
them.....the reporters only, about “the-what-and-how” ideas of what
people talked about.... their ideas of God. Those ancient reporters
gave us the names of well known people of those days and told what they
And the crowds they saw listening!
Maybe I’ll have
more new thoughts [for me] later.
I do know that our thoughts
[conscious and
sub-conscious] about God have “evolved.”
An example .... Heavens and Hells
are here on Earth...... as Islands. They grow and decay in accordance with
The Source of Mystic Energy – Light; God Energy.
One island is.... and could be one
person, or many. Like Australia... which has become [perhaps] more
Until soon,