Saturday, May 2

A Meditation on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass - When I need peace: this is where I find some for the moment

When I need peace: this is where I find some for the moment


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What can the Bible show us if we read it ?

Friday 18, July 2014  by Don Wesley 1933

Up dated October 11, 2014

What can a Book teach us if we just look at it?
Nothing; one might say.
Is the Bible different?
The Bible is a very old book of News.
For some of us, just holding a copy of a leather bound copy seems special.
It is divided into two parts
The Very Old.....  and the more recent News which is already
2000 years Old.
Why does it stick around today?
It seems to live without needing any help from anyone!
Just seeing this tiny publication with its yellow cover and its title, made me stop and think.
Yes, I confess, I’m an introverted reader and thinker type of person.

I created this “post for my blog” this morning....  after returning from an early morning breakfast at Tim Hortons.
And now...  all can see and read it. It is More for my absent family-children to know.

You see the yellow cover of the tiny-Book, with the name, “What does the bible Really teach?”  .....
I had this tiny-book in my small portable collection.
I haven’t read all of the big-Bible, except for the Book of Job.
But, I like most others,  claim to know more about matters of the Heart; because I have been influenced by God since I was conceived....  at the very least in my DNA.   Some claim to know the infinite knowledge of all of it. The collective mind, knows all!

So I thought a little last night, and realized the question on this tiny-book cover is tricky and wise.
What popped into my mind was,  “Who should really tell us what the Bible can teach us today?” 

Jesus answered and apparently said ......  "No one but ourselves.... while in direct communication with the Holy Spirit."
Talking to God, is talking to ourself.
We have cell phones today, to spread his new words of wisdom. We have evolved over the two thousand years.

The Bible, ....  is just old news from writers of those times past.
Valuable?  Yes!

God never said a word to the world. 
So the reporters of news about God....  before Jesus.....  was written by them.....the reporters only,  about “the-what-and-how” ideas of what people talked about.... their ideas of God.  Those ancient reporters gave us the names of well known people of those days and told what they said.
And the crowds they saw listening!

Maybe I’ll have more new thoughts [for me] later.
I do know that our thoughts
[conscious and sub-conscious] about God have “evolved.”

An example .... Heavens and Hells are here on Earth......  as Islands. They grow and decay in accordance with The Source of Mystic Energy – Light; God Energy.

One island is....  and could be one person, or many. Like Australia... which has become [perhaps] more perfected.

Until soon,

My Years with Ayn Rand - Author of Atlas Shrugged and the Fountainhead (1989)

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Published on Jan 18, 2014
Nathaniel Branden (born April 9, 1930) is an American psychotherapist and writer known for his work in the psychology of self-esteem. A former associate and romantic partner of Ayn Rand, Branden also played a prominent role in the 1960s in promoting Rand's philosophy, Objectivism.
Rand and Branden split acrimoniously in 1968, after which Branden focused on developing his own psychological theory and mode of
Branden married Barbara Weidman in 1953, with Rand and Rand's husband Frank O'Connor in attendance. Branden would later state the marriage was unwise, and troubled from the beginning. In the context of these troubles, and Rand's reported frustrations in her own marriage, Branden and Rand—who had a passionate philosophic bond—developed amorous feelings for each other, and, with the reluctant permission of their spouses, began a love affair in 1954.
The affair lasted until the publication of Atlas Shrugged in 1957, after which, according to Branden, Rand became depressed, and the affair, practically speaking, ended.
Branden reports that Rand remained psychologically dependent on him after this period, and eventually began pushing for a resumption of their affair; his own marriage, meanwhile, was deteriorating, although he and Barbara were becoming closer as friends. Branden then met and fell in love with a student at NBI, Patrecia Scott (née Gullison). The two began an affair in 1964, shortly after which Nathaniel
separated from Barbara and informed her of the affair.  He and Barbara kept the affair secret, fearing Rand's explosive anger.
 In 1968, Rand learned of the affair, and, in response, violently condemned both Brandens, dissociated herself from them, and denounced them publicly.
Branden at this point moved to California with Patrecia; the two married in November 1969. In March 1977, Patrecia died in a freak drowning accident, falling into a pool after presumably suffering a mild epileptic seizure.  After a period of mourning, Branden married businesswoman (and later psychotherapist) Estelle Devers in December 1978. The two later divorced, though they remained friends. Branden subsequently married Leigh Horton. Branden retained a relationship—sometimes friendly, sometimes acrimonious—with his first wife, Barbara, who wrote a successful book, The Passion of Ayn Rand, which detailed Branden's relationship with Rand and the bitter breakup. The book was made into a motion picture in 1999 titled The Passion of Ayn Rand, starring Helen Mirren as Rand and Eric Stoltz as Branden.



God - The Universe and Everything Else (Carl Sagan - Stephen Hawking)

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We are born to die and while living to make each other happy. Give all to those who need and recieve more creative ideas from God.

There are many more in my dysfunctional family
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Zayne and Zoe. - a few years ago. They received news that their parents were parting.

I and Denise were there for them. For a short time only.

Was living with Riley for a while in Ottawa.

Tristan - my grandson was a real pleasure to be with and very intelligent

Tristan excelled in his roll here

My Dads pass-port photo

Me holding a 3 year old beautiful boy. This requires an explanation

The Doctor, we all confessed to him as adults  I learned a lot from him and more since he passed on.

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A mentors Hands  -  He helps me keep growing and staying on the right road path
He drives without loosing his way for over 700 kilometers, 5 days a week
And never gets home late.

Where I eat every single day for  the past five years
Some times I GET INVITED for a home made meal.

One Group I taught. To teach and give know-how makes me happy.

I designed the arm holding the TV for hospital bed patients
You see these over most hospital beds.
They charge you to see the TV programs.
I expected them to be given free.

I Designed and Manufactured these and bigger systems.
Every organized building needs to have several.
You can even see a few in Tim Hortons.

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My internet-intelligent friend Justin Elkin
he looks like the pictures we see of Jesus.

My Grandson Tristan  and a very smart and loving person who gives love

I designed and built the Factory - 1 drum every 5 seconds
Every Business seem to need these.

My Grand daughter Zoe.

Zoe Wesley's profile photo
Zoe - what more can I say...  that is already revealed here.

This Order from the Court is
Psychological Detention.
It is always adjourned and never ending torture.

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The world needs Engineers to build what we Create Designs for.

Too many of us are evil and injure people

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