Abraham says the average person rarely finishes a single sentence without contradicting their energy, as in "I want a new car, but it is too expensive." So they say most of us haven't had much experience with ever feeling the combustion of thought that comes from 17+ seconds of pure thought.
In talking about the leverage of 17+17+17+17=68 seconds of pure thought, Abraham offers the following information:
17 seconds is worth 2,000 man-hours (about a year at 40 hours per week of action taken) 34 seconds is worth 20,000 man-hours (or about 10 years...) 51 seconds is worth 200,000 man-hours (or about 100 years...) 68 seconds is worth 2,000,000 man-hours (or about 1000 years...)
That's two MILLION man-hours (or woman hours!) If we can learn to offer pure thought energy for 68 seconds at a time, action becomes INCONSEQUENTIAL!
I received this know-how,
from a new young Mentor for me. His name is
Dennis mammy a youngster of 51.
My name is Don and I am 81.