Thursday, November 10

Narcissism ~ 1 in 100 Have It

Image result for Trump


The psychology of narcissism

Jerry Springer Reacts To Donald Trump's Victory - Good Morning Britain

Jerry Springer Reacts To Donald Trump's Victory

What the world is thinking about the U.S. election

What the world is thinking about Trump

Sir Richard Branson speaks on Donald Trump.

The Billionaire Founder of The Group Virgine

Sir Richard Branson speaks on Donald Trump.

Missing now when its most needed is  "Psychological  Knowledge." For The Election Injuries

November 11, 2016
Every Individual must fight now:
Champion Leaders; Hillary and President Obama are Mentoring us to do.

The USA has Two Personalities, objectively revealed

My Psychological Knowledge, Moral Integrity, Mind and Soul; insist that I must fight to reveal for the World:

Donald J. Trump, President Elect, is Abnormally Mentally unwell at this moment in Time. His condition back to Norman behavior, is now possible, with years of caring and kind help. He will not follow any one but himself. He has a History of loosing Billions of Dollars, using his own Business Mind.
Will he start a conflict that will cause us to loose, millions of Military Personnel?

The Borderline Disorder he has, is very dangerous to himself and those around Him.
I have personal experience discerning the 1 in 100 injured and traumatized people among us.
During the past 2 years, his behavior now, has traumatizes more that 50 in100 minds in the world (My Guess).

Fearless College Students are defending us from the angered minds with BPD: Protesting by the thousands without harming any one.

Trumps demeaning had injured millions.

College Students are Defenders now; giving  people Hope and not injuries.
Trump, with his repeated lying for the free reporting he gets, causing more injuries than 9/11.

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation [CBC]has been interviewing people all over our Planet and hearing how upset they are. Trump explodes into uncontrolled rage, in a second, they say.
How can anyone plan right now? How many plans can one prepare, given a mind condition Trump has. We need steady minds like Obama and the Clintons.

Entities around Trump now; includes our Planet.

Military Psychological Predictive Testing; was done to Choose my best Skill Set

I learned and passed the testing, that determined, what I was best gifted to do.
I was selected to
become a Officer in the Military at the age of 19.  (1953) For the Korean War - Defence Military Team.

Officers are Leaders/Mentors of Men and Women.
Leaders must discern the skills of every subordinate they control.
Officers then find the best skilled subordinates, for the many skill sets needed for their teams success.

We are all subordinates; even Generals, with their many unique skills set.  

We all, are best at doing something.

Psychology is a must for every Officer.

The Queen and Presidents are the most important Mentors and Leaders, we must have!
Such leaders are gifted to lead by revealing themselves - with perfect integrity.

In my case, I  joined the Canadian Officers Training Corps (COTC) at the age of 17;
when I gradated from High School (1950-51).

I took my first "Psychology Course - 101"  in 1951-52.  The book I still have, also pointed to the Science of the Soul.

So an Officer must discern and predict very accurately to insure our subordinates are the very best we can find and control, who must follow our orders.

In North America, it is we, the citizens, who select our leaders. [Not elected managers]
In Canada, we have our Monarch: Queen Elizabeth, a leader/mentor for several decades.
In America [USA] they choose a leader every 4 years.

The difference between Military Officers and normal Citizens; is "Psychological  Knowledge."

 Psychology In The Military (Part 1)
Army Clinical Psychologists

Every Military General has his unique Skill set.
Not one is best at doing evert thing. The President must know intimately, all Generals, not just the 80, who agree with Trump.

The decision Makers for a President, must also include his Team of advisers with minds that can open a mind like Donald Trumps closed mind: He has learned nothing since he began to run for President of one the great nations on our planet.

4 years is too long!

In Canada our Elected Prime Minister, and our complete Team of all our Parliaments elected Members, Decide.
In any given week, The Prime Minister, could loose his Power.

It seems to me, that the USA president, must be extremely and carefully chosen by every citizen.

What scares many, is that every citizen isn't psychologically skilled enough, to give a name for what Donald Trump behaves like psychologically:

They do have a strong sense that something is wrong with Donald Trump. 
That missing Psychological Name is:

Borderline Disorder (Possibly Schizophrenia)

We are Morally Wounded right Now