Making what is good, even better for humanity. The INN of JUSTICE is a collection of personal reflections, essays, and conversations about life; which contributes to the knowledge of Good Families.
Monday, January 9
WW 2 - Canada - Britain - USA
Canada's Involvement In WW2
I remember this
Radio Broadcast . . . December 7, 1941
I was 8 years old
( World War II Propaganda Newsreel )
So it will never end, even if you give lifelong service. Just like I have given the example: Gandhi gave lifelong service according to his own. Hitler gave lifelong service. Napoleon gave lifelong service. But their ultimate end was very, very regrettable. Nobody realized his service. He was punished. This is material world. We have to understand very clearly, and we have to take lesson from this verse that we may go on serving our lusty desire, greediness, anger, and so on, so on, but we will never come to the end and become happy. When one comes to the point that "I have rendered service in so many ways. So neither I am happy nor the person to whom I have served, they are happy. Then what is the remedy?" That is discussed in the Vedanta-sutra philosophy. Athato brahma-jijnasa: "Now inquire about your real master, Brahman, or the Supreme, the great, the Absolute Truth." That is required. So we should be prepared like that, that we have served our propensities, different propensities, lusty desire, greediness, anger, kama, krodha, lobha, mohah... Mohah means illusion. I am doing something wrong, and I am thinking it is all right. This is called illusion, mohah. Matsarya. Matsarya means envious, to become envious. Every one of us, either individually or socially or community-wise or nationally, we are all envious. The Russians, they are envious of the Americans, and the Americans, they are envious of the Russians. Similarly, everyone. That is the nature. So we are serving all these propensities. Now, this is called pravrtti-marga, progress towards sense gratification in different ways. And if we stop that and make progress to our real self-realization, real happiness, that is called nivrtti-marga.