Saturday, July 2

Dear Diary - On the last day of 2009 - Don Wesley

Dear Diary - On the last day of 2009

A quick summary of these dairy thoughts:

"As easy as a criminal would light a match and start a fire to destroy a building, so can a citizen sign a court approval Form which starts a Court action which ends in killing a man while someone else took possession of his home; his only Wealth which he worked for all his noble life"

My Diary is wonderfully useful today as part of my story of living in Hell since Christmas day of 2008, the day she put her plan into forward for her.

Just For Laughs Gags

"Those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn"

His most famous observation: "The illiterate of the 21st century will
not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn,
unlearn, and relearn."

I had his book in my Library