Making what is good, even better for humanity. The INN of JUSTICE is a collection of personal reflections, essays, and conversations about life; which contributes to the knowledge of Good Families.
Monday, November 17
Susan Cain - The power of introverts
Hi and welcome in. My name is Don and I am an introvert and hard to understand. I sound like a book when I talk; she said.
Is that abuse?
The Family Court devastates families every day. Is this abuse?
I received this knowledge from a working RCMP Officer, in a Family Court who declared to me personally that he sees this devastation and that there is nothing he can do as an RCMP Officer to stop this abuse.
A municipal Officer in another City, who is involved in these Family Court situations, has personally told me that the two case lawyers are the people who knowingly keep this abusive system functioning daily. They pocket the wealth lost by the parties in these Family Divorce case.
There are no incentives for them to stop.
Unconsionable Court Orders are issued, based upon ex-partie affividavits
Djw, 2011-01-07
Lens Repair 101: A Worldview Analysis.
What is a Worldview ?
Video by Sarah Clifton. Music by Bill Cain.
Video by Sarah Clifton. Music by Bill Cain.