Friday, March 20

Tom jerry Dr jekyll And Mr Mouse Trailer



On our Earth, we monitor each region for temperature changes and draw maps to show the contours and the velocity changes.

The whole world is alive and it can and sometimes gets a bit  insane.

What kind of symptoms will it reveal to highly skilled hands and eyes using instruments? Temperature is one easy way to record using automatic recorders. A quickly rising temperature is.... a very loud call to operate quickly and find the real cause of this rise in temperature velocity.

On our Earth, we monitor each region for temperature changes and draw maps to show the contours and the velocity changes. To make those maps we need to establish very reliable points of reference. Pyramids (great solid points) don’t move and can be aligned with the planets and stars. We can and did make contour maps of how populations of Humans moved to better climates around the equator. The two poles (North and South) were too extreme in temperature changes as the world moved year by year around the Sun; to live and use fewer skills to survive.

I’m alive and you are to. The most alive creature we hardly ever catch and see is the Cockroach!

Then there is God, who we know is alive now, and we never see Him: we see only traces of His aliveness and the love He provides us. To be alive requires certain elementary things; water, air and temperature differences and maps showing us how it moves around or not (as the clock records)

Given these simple facts as a foundation, we do safely assume and build upon them. Until newer  facts are found!

The creation of Math languages plus new instruments has enabled us to see and measure and map all the movements. The Study of these movements and the velocity vectors of each contour allow us to intelligently conclude what the illness is. Most often the illness is ignorance; the seeds of Evil!
We will never see our Lord, who uses magnetism and electricity for His Magic theatre.

Don feels great affection for Our One God, who is already here in us.
Ladies and Gentlemen get to know who you really are when your Flesh and Bones are killed off and dead and as Hard as Diamonds. You are more precious than the diamonds you show everyone, to puff yourself up.

You are part of one big God on a living planet and in an electric multiverse!
[The End] by Don and the beginning by Monica


Young men, if you are looking for a Model of a woman to marry:
Watch and listen to