Wednesday, April 20

Antisocial Personality Disorder

What does Psychopath mean ~ Antisocial Personality Disorder

Mental Health Help with Kati Morton 


Donald John Wesley - Age 83 - was given Gods Gift of Faith at His Birth April 17, 1933... Easter Monday.

Donald John Wesley

Diary Date and Time Now ~ April 20, 2016 - 5:11AM

Donald John Wesley - Age 83 - was given Gods Gift of Faith at His Birth April 17, 1933... Easter Monday.

"I always thought that Jesus was Gods Tiny Child that The King wanted Killed: So He God... called upon me,,, to defend His Child. That is why I Love children - all His Children.
Children must know their own true Father and live with Him and learn from Him as He gets older and more knowledgeable"


'Wake-up' for Gods Sake

Here I was 10 and living in Paterson, New Jersey USA 

Don't you realize God Loves You

I Joined Our Army to Defend  Our Faith.
Age 19

This is My first Son - I raised Him on my own, with some help -
Born September 23, 1956.

Our Queen, made me an Officer and Defender.

I Married in 1964 and received the gift of these two boys
Michael and Steven
This is  the Children's
Mother - Denise Claire Wesley
Still my Sweetheart.

I earned enough to be called Rich,
So My Family could experience being Rich..
That was my first big mistake.
I should have had them experienced being Poor like I was.

They made me experience being extremely poor when I was 77.

At 80 years of age I found a Rich Farming Couple who just love The Hug Benefits.
A Chemical Reaction in the Brain.
No Doctors prescription is needed.
Lucky for me I can visit them once or twice a Month.
They are very Dependable and Trustworthy.
If I need help or abit more food they truly deliver.

Follow My Blog, learn with it...  and God May give you His Gift of Faith.

Why is My name D. John Wesley?

I have some ideas of why they named me
Donald John Wesley.
'Saved from Burning to Death'

My Young Mentor now 51 years of age,

I met this 84 year old guy when I was 10.

My Niece and Nephew(RIP)
Claudia and Peter-Mark