Tuesday, February 14

Sleep: Why We Need It and What Happens Without It

What Happens Without It

The Science of Sleep

Published on Nov 30, 2015
Birds do it. Worms do it. Animals and people do it. Sleep comprises a sizable chunk of a life. University of Toronto's Richard Horner joins The Agenda to discuss the science of sleep - why it's needed, its restorative quality, what happens in the brain during this mysterious and inaccessible period of slumber and the risks of doing without enough of it.


60 Minutes Science of Sleep part 3

60 Minutes Science of Sleep part 3

60 Minutes Science of Sleep Part 2

60 Minutes Science of Sleep Part 1

America's Water Crisis (Part 1 of 3)


New York's Toxic Wasteland

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Imaging Saltwater Intrusion from Monterey to Santa Cruz'


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What is Seawater Intrusion


What is Seawater Intrusion

America's Water Crisis (Part 3of 3)


The Fight for California's Fresh Water

America's Water Crisis (Part 2 o 3)


Florida Sinkholes are Swallowing Cars  

Groundwater and surface water interactions under water shortage


Groundwater and surface water interactions under water shortage