Friday, June 26

God and Christ commanded to Make our clean-up happen: it happening right now.It began when a Stopped preaching. Our Churches must be Re-Born.

This Morning - Yesterday - 1988 - 70 years Ago - 1933 - DjW.

This morning for Don.

July 3, 2015. - This morning - a quick CAT Scan at the Winchester Hospital, Ontario.  No medical problems! Seeking for possible accident injuries.

More to arrive soon - DjWesley


1988 +


Michael and Steven

Don - 1936.

Evicted from Home

Christian Leaders - John Lennox - Christopher John Wesley

Making what is good, even better for humanity. The INN of JUSTICE is a collection of personal reflections, essays, and conversations about life; which contributes to the knowledge of Good Families.

Published on Aug 24, 2014
In this first session, John Lennox introduces us to the monumental Old
Testament figure of Abraham: the man whom God called out of his tribe to
live as a pilgrim, sojourn as a stranger, and -- ultimately -- to become the
father of God's chosen nation. Because of his faith, God made Abraham an
"heir according to the promise" -- and Christians become heirs as well when
they put their trust in the God of Abraham.


Me and Humble!


John Wesley

Cathy, me and Jack
On their farm.
They are helping me right now.

My only son who got married.
Some did tell me two years ago.
that was 'dead'.

Chris just after birth.

I'm still alive and well.