Saturday, January 28


Full Movie

Concerns in My Mind ~ January 2017

A review of the Major Concerns
in the Mind of Don ~ January 2017

People who Hugged Me; when I needed Hugs

I love to Hug

Below are 2 Movies {At the end}

Google Followers - 1,246

Google Page views  - 1,600,000 (+/-)

INNjustice Page views all time history - 100,790

INNjustice Page views last month  - 7,607

INNjustice Page views today -  228

List of Most seen Topics - 2008 until Now 2017 -  INNJustice Blog ]

1) Denise and Don Wesley; heard a Higher Call -  318

2) Denise and Don Wesley:  Marriage Contract Ignored -  277

3) Court Crimes which abused Don - 251

4) Kindness we all Need - 236

5) Don the Victim - 202

6) Evil in the World - 179

I always will Love Denise

Denise and our Families

Two Movies that Address Evil

Minds Confused by the Sins of Lying

Minds Confused by the Sins of Lying

Best Way to Track Cheating Spouse, Cell Phone Tracking , Track Cell Phone Location

Cell Phone Tracking and Phone Location

Thoughts on War

My Personal Book by Billy Graham

My Personal Book by Billy Graham

God does Exist!

Look in the mirror and you'll see him

But our heads are part of the spiritual world.

The spiritual world is wireless and electromagnetic and faster than Light.

Our minds are one common collected Mind!

US Confirms (RFID) High-Tech Drivers Licence For Canada And United States

Under President Obama

US Confirms (RFID) High-Tech Drivers Licence