Sunday, July 20

Quantum Touch - HEALING like jesus! - Workshop

Published on Jul 2, 2014
I really respect this science here and I think it's quite an untapped resource I will soon be going to a lecture to check out how good this really is - obviously I think it really depends on the person ... so although they do tend to promise it's so easy and anyone can do it ... I still find that part very hard to accept - I think it takes years of training ... for most of us ... but worth a look :) please enjoy

I have always personally been in favour of a science that unifies rather than separates or confuses.

Published on Apr 25, 2014
Part 1 of the Event horizon series by David Wilcock talking about the scientific evidence for the support of an intelligent conscious field of everything. I have always personally been in favour of a science that unifies rather than separates or confuses. This is easy to understand motivation and energy.
- The Pine cone - Pineal gland