Monday, November 2

Mireille Mathieu - La Paloma Ade


Demis Roussos - Goodbye, my love, goodbye1973


Nana Mouskouri and Julio Iglesias - La Paloma - In live


“This mystery of who/what is God”

What I bring you here, I brought to TED on Xmas Eve of 2012. I brought it twice: and they quickly removed it. Why? What was so special that made them so quickly remove it. I felt doomed and devastated.

Welcome friends... old and new and no matter how you derive your thoughts.
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“This mystery of who/what is God”
Let now, be the new start... for this mystery story.
I’m 82 and it is a perfect new mystery for me every night as more is discovered.
I do feel He is real and with us right now.

Your feelings maybe different ?....   Please let me know, how you feel about this mystery: the old one is over now. 

I will post all your answers on and in my INN of Justice Blog
[unless you say not to]


1)    [the new]

My Cell Phone =  613-898-1756

Physical Healing - Practical Steps To... (Monica Dennington)

To see more of the "Thinker" Stories.. follow this link below.

Published on Mar 6, 2015

What do we do with God's promises for healing when we don't see an immediate miracle? Does your church tradition handle this question by dismissing miracles and healing, calling them heresy? Or is your church on the opposite end of the spectrum — claiming it's God's will to heal every person immediately, and anyone who isn't healed is either "not receiving", doesn't have "enough faith", or hasn't been aggressive enough to seek out the right special minister who has the favor and "anointing" to get God to act on your behalf?
Join Monica Dennington as she goes straight to the Bible to find out that tough questions about healing are not too tough for God, the practical steps you can take towards physical healing, why you can trust that God's healing for you is guaranteed.... whether in this life or the next..... and why there is no condemnation for you while you wait.

"All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they
only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth. People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own." ~Hebrews 11:13 -14



All matter and life is electrically involved ~ What makes life so diffident?

All matter and life is electrically involved? This includes all the rocks we see around us. What makes life so different?

Let every new day, be the start to this mystery of who/what is God.
I believe He is real and with us now...

This exciting news...

Look at the question as an automobile: It runs on gas... but it takes an electric battery to start the engine. Once the engine is started... You can drive it...
But, closer to the beginning, of even starting the car.... every thing is made of electrons which are electro-magnetic balls. They live together but stay apart.  Even more and smaller energetic things are being found!

Light is also involved... it travels like waves on water.. never stopping, even if it collides with another wave.

Take a look and listen to this next video and be amazed... and see where God might be found. He is still a mystery to be seen with our eyes: Is He human-like? Is there someone who is even more human-like?
Who knows? Did he send His Son Christ, to reveal his secrets or did he send His Daughter; as Monica  Dennington?

Who Knows; keep exploring together as one!

Speech: Graham Hancock and Joe Rogan:

The Precious Gift [Graham Hancock & Joe Rogan]
Published on Aug 24, 2014
Graham Hancock and Joe Rogan discuss our current situation on the planet. The audio was taken from Joe Rogan Experience podcast episode 417.