Thursday, May 14

Our Worst Health Care Crisis
This broadcast, shows us the best response has been implemented.

Published on May 13, 2015
In the 1940s, this country's blood system was essentially in the hands of the Canadian Red Cross. It took blood donations from volunteers, and supplied the blood to hospitals. But a few decades ago, it became apparent that thousands of Canadians were infected with HIV or hepatitis C, because the blood they were getting was tainted. The Agenda discusses how this happened, and whether Canada's blood system is any safer today.


(Make Me A Channel of Your Peace) Prayer of St. Francis sung by Angelina, EWTN

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Zoe Wesley

Uploaded on Apr 8, 2008
"This video was filmed in the hometown of the great St. Francis in Assisi, Italy. It was an honor for me to be able to film at such a holy place where St. Francis walked and preached the Gospel to the poor people of this land." Author - un-known