He is the Gift – Christmas Video
Making what is good, even better for humanity. The INN of JUSTICE is a collection of personal reflections, essays, and conversations about life; which contributes to the knowledge of Good Families.
Wednesday, December 23
Two different Behavior Theories revealing the best ways to create Happiness for Every-One.
Different Behavior Theories, which I used: Revealing the best ways to create Happiness for Every-One, in Families or Big Organizations
The first is named ~ Transactional Analysis. [TA]
It is just one of the many Management Theories I used back in the past.
With my own children and wife I learned to stay in the Adult (A). With older friends they usually stay in the Parent (P) position and talk down to Child (C) in me; we then talk down to each other and never talk again !
From a 1966 NET Science broadcast special on Dr. Eric Berne. The interview takes place at Dr. Berne home in Carmel, California where Dr. Berne explains the theory behind Transactional Analysis. Dr. Berne died in 1970. Covering the six ways people structure their time socially i.e. through Rituals, Past times, Activities, Games, Intimacy and if all else fails Withdrawal. Intimacy being a game free relationship where people talk straight to each other.
The second Theory I used; and taught executives to know, has the name
Situational Leadership.
Here is the very short TA Lesson
The first is named ~ Transactional Analysis. [TA]
It is just one of the many Management Theories I used back in the past.
With my own children and wife I learned to stay in the Adult (A). With older friends they usually stay in the Parent (P) position and talk down to Child (C) in me; we then talk down to each other and never talk again !
From a 1966 NET Science broadcast special on Dr. Eric Berne. The interview takes place at Dr. Berne home in Carmel, California where Dr. Berne explains the theory behind Transactional Analysis. Dr. Berne died in 1970. Covering the six ways people structure their time socially i.e. through Rituals, Past times, Activities, Games, Intimacy and if all else fails Withdrawal. Intimacy being a game free relationship where people talk straight to each other.
The second Theory I used; and taught executives to know, has the name
Situational Leadership.
Here is the very short TA Lesson
Different Behavior Theories, which I used to ...
Different Behavior Theories, which I used: Revealing the best ways to create Happiness for Every-One, in Families or Big Organizations
The first is named ~ Transactional Analysis. [TA]
It is just one of the many Management Theories I used back in the past.
With my own children and wife I learned to stay in the Adult (A). With older friends they usually stay in the Parent (P) position and talk down to Child (C) in me; we then talk down to each other and never talk again !
From a 1966 NET Science broadcast special on Dr. Eric Berne. The interview takes place at Dr. Berne home in Carmel, California where Dr. Berne explains the theory behind Transactional Analysis. Dr. Berne died in 1970. Covering the six ways people structure their time socially i.e. through Rituals, Past times, Activities, Games, Intimacy and if all else fails Withdrawal. Intimacy being a game free relationship where people talk straight to each other.
The second Theory I used; and taught executives to know, has the name
Situational Leadership.
The first is named ~ Transactional Analysis. [TA]
It is just one of the many Management Theories I used back in the past.
With my own children and wife I learned to stay in the Adult (A). With older friends they usually stay in the Parent (P) position and talk down to Child (C) in me; we then talk down to each other and never talk again !
From a 1966 NET Science broadcast special on Dr. Eric Berne. The interview takes place at Dr. Berne home in Carmel, California where Dr. Berne explains the theory behind Transactional Analysis. Dr. Berne died in 1970. Covering the six ways people structure their time socially i.e. through Rituals, Past times, Activities, Games, Intimacy and if all else fails Withdrawal. Intimacy being a game free relationship where people talk straight to each other.
The second Theory I used; and taught executives to know, has the name
Situational Leadership.
Here is the very short TA Lesson
Are You OK - the essential video on transactional analysis
The True Cause and Cure for Cancer - MUST WATCH!
Published on Jul 26, 2014
So many people have cancer throughout the world today, and yet the people have been deceived into thinking that drugs is the only way. It's not even THE way. Drugs will make you even more sick.
Revelation 18:23 says that Babylon has deceived their nations with her "sorceries". That word sorceries in the original Greek is "pharmakeia", which is where the word pharmaceutical comes from. The world has been deceived by
the "pharmaceuticals" of Babylon.
There is a way to cure cancer and it is a natural: drug free way! The natural foods and lifestyle that our Heavenly Father has given us.
"Don Wesley - A disciple of Jesus of Nazareth."
Natural Cancer Cures and Why You Don't Know About Them
Published on May 29, 2014
I love you and want you to thrive, and I KNOW you can. We are fed bollocks about cancer by the moneyed interests. Two out of the three legal treatments for cancer are themselves carcinogenic and kill 2/3 of patients who try them.
Treatments that really work and heal people like herbs and natural foods are illegal for practitioners to practice. We MUST as a culture use our innate wisdom
and acknowledge the body's brilliant self-healing design. Watch this video to gain understanding of how we got to the place of illness being a trillion dollar business and how to get back to the basics for self-healing. Self-healing is
enjoyable and effective.