August 21, 2011
This is a True Story about Two Homes and their Destruction!
"The first Home" was destroyed
by fire, and
"The second Home,"
by Injustice, delivered by
Our Family Court System.
The first Home and its attached buildings were replaced
by the Insurance Company and
The Owners are living there once again.
The second Home and its attached Studio and Office was confiscated
by the Court,
after evicting its owner. The owner had no debts and lived in the home
since 1969 and raised a family of three boys,
together with partner..
It has been over three years and
The Owner remains in a state of Homelessness.
The owner has recieved no explanation nor any compensation for the loss.
And we believe there is no insurance that covers this kind of loss!
Should All Owners in a similar situation sue the Government ?
Write me about your feeling at the following email address.
Don Wesley - Partner - lost
Denise Prevost - Partner