A song from the heart - Ne me
quitte pas
Jacques Brel-Ne me quitte pas (Eng. Subtitles)
Jacques Brel-Ne me quitte pas (Eng. Subtitles)
On my travels today I met very remarkable individual;
Jean-Marie is French Canadian and he showed me his intelligence in a splendid manner. He has the same wife and has raised many children and has seen the injustice of the courts as it has related to his sons. More to the point however is that he said “women have no heart, when it comes to hurting their own husbands.” He laughed when he said this, but quickly returned to say he was absolutely serious! We talked for over a hour about divorce. He said to me "divorce after 30-40 years of marriage is insanity".
I had no trouble agreeing with him; this has been my experience as well. We are both the same age.
Don [From The Silent Generation - 1930's]