I have started writing The Love Story of Denise and Don 1962 - 20??
It has taken me a life time, to understand what happens to women who have adapted to living; when abused as a child. They create different personalities to dis-associate themselves from the many realities of what hurt them.
It is one complex hell for the husband and dozens of hells for the wife.
Both are very sensitive people. They are soul-mates, who love each other.
Love is a State of awareness, compassion and kindness for each other.
Separation is a State of Torture and endless aloneness.
Help them! Don't let the family Courts mess with them.
A heartbreaking story of Clayton Moss who was chained up in a
closet and tortured by his own family at age 6 years old.”
" My first son Christopher John Wesley, [this marriage was
annulled] told me his mother would lock him in a closet when her man-friend came
into my home. I was 22 and married the women because she said she was
pregnant." Don Wesley November 30, 2013