Thursday, December 11

Kindness ...Hate ...Indifference ...Compassionate ... Deceitful.- How they Reveal who we Really are.

December 11, 2014. 6;45 AM - Thursday.

Hi and welcome to the "over-my-shoulders view:.

 I can't stop you from watching how, I work. [In the open]

I'm sketching out ideas, of what to paint with words, pictures and videos with the intent to be happy with my work; when it is finished and ready to be a final Post.

I'll keep working so you can watch, how this seed grows into a nice message for everyone to use.

Their are many more emotions and combinations [like locks]
The more skilled were are; the more accurately we can predict.
Jesus was a master thinker, who knew all. He wasn't a miracle; just a man who God sent us.
In the meanwhile, watch the following videos
and find out how you feel while watching.
How you feel, from happy to less happy and very low.
Until soon
P.S. This can predict how you behave and what others may misinterpret, and praise or demean you. Avoid those who are deceitful and have a "obsessive habit" of demeaning people.

 Dogs have silent emotions as well.

 Bird's went flying response in very same manner- together at the same frequency.


 Crows work together


If we are poorly raised, we learn to hate.