Sunday, January 11

Don and PTSD Medical Opinion - About Psychic Injury

Don has survived, the separation but not without injury.
He awaits "closure"
Dr. Vikas Bhagirath
Nayion River Health Clinic
P.O.ox 519, 494 Fred St.,
Winchester, Ontario, K0C 2K0
CPSO# 84238, MOH# 022203

April 20, 2012
To Who It May Concern

Dear Sir/Madam
Re: Don Wesley  April 17, 1933  Age: 79  613-898-1756 (H)

In my medcal opinion Mr Wesley has post traumatic stress disorder related to his separation from his wife.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns,

Dr. Vikas Chander Bagirath Bsc Md

About Psychic Injury
"Dr. Karin Huffer is the author of "Legal Abuse Syndrome" has had PTSD recognized and approved to allow special accommodations in the courts. Her work is phenomenal and proven in courtroom and domestic situations. The next time you come across a "crazy woman or man" you might investigate their prior relationships before forming any opinions. I Interviewed Karin and have made a preview of her wonderful and effective work."
 Dennis Grover