Tuesday, February 3

The Golden Ratio & Fibonacci Numbers - Fact versus Fiction

To see more of the "Thinker" Stories.. follow this link below.
I'm here... because I believe this soul-mate...

I used to drive to New City and back each weekend.  Sometimes I would miss an exit or entrance point; not forgetting it but... just having it of my mind. This happened only a few times over the year that I was a project manager for a world wide lighting manufacturer. This caused me to drive an extra 80 miles or more before getting to my destination; 6 hours instead of 5. This got me angry with my own stupidity; for a while. Then I chose to accept that God may have a special reason; this idea got me over the anger part. It was while on the New York Project that I met the IBM organization and learned some new mathematics. 

"I also learned about Fibonacci and the Golden Mean"

Published on Dec 11, 2012.
(October 8, 2012) Professor Keith Devlin dives into the topics of the golden ratio and fibonacci numbers.
Originally presented in the Stanford Continuing Studies Program.