Every man and woman has the freedom to build upon the Stories we start with. God allows us to create our very own story of One; a comfort zone or Gestalt (German)
If we buy a State owned organization to protect us; we have lost our freedom. And any Fascist Leader will take power eventually. (Hitler and Stalin)
Marx came along and said He found the perfect scientific procedures to run our new Culture; and God was no longer needed. He Marx, said "challenge everything with Critical reasoning."
This critical reasoning means will can never ever prove anything; because the discussions are endless.
Those of us who majored in Mathematics, knew we needed to use axiomatic algebra. Since the majority of us feel there is a God; then it is reasonable to accept that He exists and build upon this axiom. We can then study How... He does all that he has done. He has done already what we still can't do; he made a cockroach. Review this lesson below.