Tuesday, March 3

A Reason For Living - Tim Keller - Don and Denise Wesley

[December 4, 2014 - Another update]
[23 July 2014 - An Update.]
[26 October 2014   Another Update Nov 20, 2014]
I now know why... I need to live...
And my life has improved
Just knowing about...
The Intelligence Source of Energy we have.
I ask this question...
Many times a month.
I look up... at the night sky
And pray to God
And suddenly realize
I'm looking in... Myself
I see and 'feel' the
Presence of God in me.
My scope of Vision gets closer in
And my Inspection gets sharper.
As I cut in... to discern more.
Into my own part.... of the collective Mind
Death gives us no chance to think...
And reason when its too late.
Death is an involuntary event...
 Unexpected and upsetting our daily schedules.

Please fly to Tim Keller's lesson...
and return here
To see and learn how Denise and Don
Reasoned most everything.

Denise liked to reason the money...  things
Dons' reasons were how much beauty we could create.
Using the True Source of Intelligent Energy...
God Himself, the Energy Lord.

"This is truly a new view of Science"
