Friday, April 24

I work for God only - I really mean what I say and answer the question What is wealth ?

I'm retired now and collect my adequate pension provided by the nation I live in. My savings are in my tiny pocket; with just enough cash; in case I loose my Bank card for a day or two.
My excess cash I leave in the Bank; and the bankers don't charge me a cent to leave it in their pockets: they lend cash to people and make interest profits using my spare cash. The Bankers are the too rich people I have to care for: they have our spare cash. What is wealth: getting cash at no cost and renting at evil rates like $30.00 a month for $1000.00... of my money.
You to can get a smaller part of the game they play with our money. The game is not Monopoly!

There is a better system; but the Devil keeps their eyes away from it. Their eyesight I'm healing with knowledge.

I work for all Gods people who continue to be too sinful; the too rich and those who believe they don't need God.
I do heal people also.