Tuesday, December 22

Russian Mafia - History & North America & My Home Property

Edited by Don - April 1, 2015 December 22, 2015.
Exposing Fraud and Embezzlement

Hi and welcome to My "Upper Room" Copy of the September-October 2011 Issue.
My name is Don Wesley. The words in two pages are wise.

When you have finished reading these 2 pages.
Watch the video lesson about the Russian Mafia.
Before leaving Dollard-Des-Ormeaux, in West Island Montreal,
I lived for a few days, in an apartment, owned by the Russian Mafia.
They also used my Business Bank Account in the Bank of Montreal.
Given all the corruption I was involved with, in Montreal, I decided to move.
I quickly moved to Ottawa: where I found even more nations involved.
What I found in Montreal, was Russian, Sicilian, Irish and Italian and Jewish Mafia with their own favorite lawyers. Oh yes I forget to mention the Indian Veterans; who used Doctor Lundell. Ottawa had anther set of Crime involved People. My partner, Tom Zingonie was from New York; a loan shark... Mafia certified.

This is only a Preface to the Book I may complete, before they whack me.