Thursday, December 3

The Book of Job as read by Don The Healer... Only the Art of Suffering...

I was hit once more... early just past midnight February 16, 2015.
This time the car coming towards me was behind me.  A police constable didn't see this but he deducted that I caused the accident that happened just before midnight when I wasn't even there. This constable caused the psychic injuring I'm now suffering; a man-made injury by two men.

To see more of the "Thinker" type Stories.. follow this link below.

The One Bible Book I read when I was 16...
It was the Book of Job...
I too believe in God... Since I was 2...
For the High School Leaving Exam...
This Job Book, along with The Story of Hamlet...
These with Science and Math moved me up in the World.
At 17... I entered the Military Training...
At 18... I became a Military Officer...
At 19... I was Injured...
My Head was smashed in by a Vehicle that Hit Me...
Now they call it Post Trauma Stress Disorder...

At 79... The Court Stress Injured me Once Again...
At 82 I'm well Again...
It gave me More PTSD...
Who will injure Me Again?
Be aware My Friends ... of Organizations...
Of Flesh and Blood... 
How Good are the Organizations we Own?
Good or not Good Enough !

My Name, approved by God is...
Donald John Wesley...
You if Like my Words, Call me ...
You... Flesh and Blood, will keep me feeling...

 Well, Far into the Future,
If you use your Soul-Crafts with everlasting Love.