Wednesday, January 27

TED ~ I enjoyed for a while ! Back in 2012

About Don

TED Cred xxx?


I was born in Montreal during the 1930's and saw, heard and felt evil.

My mother, sister, brother and I were helped by people who recognized [Some of that time] we were suffering, and we received help from our church and the “Salvation Army.” 

I saw my brother go off to war, and cried along with my mother. (WW2)

We must see Evil, hear Evil and talk about evil, in order to know that we must not do evil. And to learn that we must help those who suffer from the consequences of evil. Our empathy is a natural limited resource within us which we must direct to those suffering. Children love to help those who are suffering.
My mother, in return for the help we received, took in orphaned babies. These children were beautiful and I loved each one dearly. Being a brother to a younger child helped me feel the beauty of loving. In the forties I saw the pain and grief of parents who lost their sons in war. I felt empathy and hated evil doers at 5. I was 4, 5, and 6 years of age in those depression years which included the evil doing of Hitler. I loved beauty and hated evil and the differences were palpable. By the age of 19 I was an officer in the Canadian Military. I wanted to see an end to evil. Early after the Korean war, I became a successful young businessman, and guess what I discovered - more evil and beauty. In 1969 I sold by business and became an “Agent of Change,” selling the know how of creating beautiful organizations. I made a very good living.

The moral of this story could be that I learned my lessons at the age of Six. Teach your children, early in life, these lessons. They will see more beauty in the world and abhor evil. I maybe wrong, however I have a passion for this truth. As a six year old I saw and heard and felt evil, but I stayed quiet. In those years children were expected to be seen and not heard.

Today children of six and younger will spontaneously tell others “it’s not fair!”
Don [From The Silent Generation - the 30's]


Areas of Expertise

Chief Executive Officer, Container Manufacturing, Industrial Engineering, Inventor, Military Science, Organizational Development, Physics/Math, Behavioral Science, Prefabricated Construction - Prison Cells, Recycling Ferrous and Non Ferrous Metals, and Systems Architecture.

An idea worth spreading

Overcoming Court Injustice and finding it's victims and comforting them and compensating them. Doing this with empathy packed unrelenting passion and humour.

I'm passionate about

Aiding those who suffer from Man-Made Disasters and uncovering Evil. Battling InJustice! Following Moral teaching as revealed in Old Volumes of Sacred Law. Also a passionate follower of new Science.


Sir George Williams College  ~ Concordia University, Montreal

Talk to me about

Injustice. Beauty. Beliefs. Creativity. The Importance of Family. Leadership. Dysfunction. Manufacturing. Invention.

People don't know I'm good at

Teaching excutives and designing/building factories; beautiful and efficient Value-Adding-Chains for any company; and helping to recognize the need for change.

My TED story

I started October 2011, with growing awareness and care for humanity; growing "Heavens on Earth in the "Present"