Monday, April 25

Learn to Love Investigating everything - From Toddling till being in Heaven

'Love me and keep me Safe from
the tiny Devils everywhere'
Learn to Love Investigating everything
From Toddling till being in Heaven

2016, April 25.
A Personal View by D. J. Wesley.
"Freemasonry is a World Wide Organization...
which Try's To Teach Men and Women to Live Ethically, Habitually and in an Organized Life"

Like all religious organizations, this a Fight we must win. Ask a Freemason if you have a need to fight using kindness which reciprocates with more Love for all living creatures.

Give up being controlled and live in the State of Mindfulness 24/7/365.

Hate or Love is the One decision to make.
And Be sure to study all 101 sciences.
Most can be loaned from the YouTube Library and found using Google.  

To stay with our 'God given Gift' called a 'Present' we need to learn what Mindfulness means: A Truly Tuned Meditation Mind which was used over in India, 3000 years ago.


My Parents were always away and working,
so as a child I was alone and curious.
I investigated all I could See and touch.
When left in my prison type Crib,
I Investigated my own Mind.
It was so pleasant to live in this Manner.
My Dad told me to ask God for favors:
'Love me and keep me safe from
the little Devils everywhere'



Toddlers - Be one Forever!
They remain Mindful and in the Present,

Until the Adults 'force' them to loose it
and become a Robot