Monday, June 20

Changing a Malicious Thought. ~ A DNA picture Message - No Sound.

Published June 20, 2016. (Copyright 2016 - 2033)

Changing a Flat Tire is not ~ Changing a Malicious Thought.

Reasoned Thinking and Acting Morally would save Our Precious World.
Don Wesley 1933.

My Intention is Teach and some times to use the name Shameful.

A Confused Face.
Often Malicious.
 A Frightening Face - Beware of.

They can be Healed without Pills.

The Faces of Too many in Our World
We need to see Reasoning Moral Faces
And Musical sounds.

Don Wesley1933.
An Angry Face?
A Jesus Face!

A Scheming Face.
Hides the Malicious Face.
Never Delicious!

They can be Healed without Pills.
I met this Guy - Face to Face One night.
He waved me away ?
In Montreal, Quebec.
I didn't like His Narcissistic Behavior.  

A Malicious Face.

This Face can change, if he makes a conscious effort to Escape from what hugs him so tight.

Not even A Champion is Perfect

A Malicious Face
Never Delicious!
A Scheming Face of Hate.

They can be Healed without Pills.

A Moral Face.
However, none are perfect. 

He can be Healed without Pills.


To Escape from Malicious thinking: Go to the following link in red:

Changing a Malicious Thought.

Removing Malicious Thinking by Don Wesley1933


A Face Hearing  God above

He needs no Healing.

Praising The Creator of all those living things.