Monday, August 22

Just about a tiny piece of humanity ~ named Don & Dyslexia

There is no video here to distract your eyes; from reading my message to you all.

I'm only a tiny spec, but still called a Father.

This alone gives us tiny Fathers:  His power to write notes to our children to see with their own eyes. They will be Parents too, with rules to follow.

This is one simple story to recall every time you connect to Him and each other.

At the very bottom of my notes, a video is a present for you all to see. the gift I hope you see in yourself. Don't peek until next Christmas.

As a youngster in school, I was aware that something was making me different from other kids.

Don the Wesley guy

My Father wasn't living with my Mother, since 1938 Christmas; that is one thing I could see.

Italian and Japanese kids didn't mention their Fathers - why not?

But more than absent Fathers.... I was still very different.

One day in grade three my teacher, Ms. Gaully, figured out I needed glasses. But even with glasses I was still deferent from kids with Fathers at home.

Was I slow learner; I didn't think so?  

I had the best marks in the class and the best behaviour.
It remained a mystery for me until my last year in high school.

I was in the top science class and still a very quiet student.
I was absent 30% of the year and rather scared about not graduating  from high school.

One day my class room teacher, Mr. Graham and Math teacher, suddenly announced to the whole class
"Don is a slow learner!"

I jumped up and shouted at him
"I'm not a slow learner!"
The whole class and Mr. Graham were silent, for days.
How could he battle with me?

I graduated with the top marks in Science, math and literature. 

I'm reviewing all my steps in life now, to find the final answer of knowing who I am. 

As the old words of wisdom shout out: "Know thyself and find God in your-self"

This is where I still am at this hour. Information I have found is valuable for other souls who ponder this issue.

My Dad was there with  me.

Consider.... What 10% of us have....

it's the precious gift from God "Dyslexia"

Wow! What is "Dyslexia"? Boys most, have this learning gift?

I'm 83 now and learning by the hour.

As humans, we are a very complex telephone machine with billions and billions of connections being made every second and never a wrong number called.

The wiring cells we are born with stay in our head until death parts us from who see now.

This is a huge system of telephone-connections guaranteed to last a real lifetime. And.. it still adds new connections as they needed, with no "operators" needed.

By the end of High School I entered the Military Science Education course.

At 19, I became an young Officer in the Signal Corps of Canada. Why did this path open for me?

 Never did I plan this to happen.
With all those telephone connection in my head, no one ever give me directions.
How did I get to where I am now?

Something is happening I don't control!

Is my Dad who just watched me and left home when I was a kid at my first birthday...  controlling me?

I was born on Easter Monday, April 17, 1933.
My brother Vincent, said, the first minute I met him " God sent you to me"
He was the Professor of Geo-Physics at McGill University and talking about a Hidden God!

Is our Brain-Organ the way life works in all of us?

By the age of 25 I was the biological Father of Chris who I adopted.
I was determined to find answers to all my unanswered questions.

Together I taught him to keep looking for hidden connections in the Universe.

By the age of 30, I married and had one more child who was also another mystery.
The name I gave him was Steven John Wesley. He was the child I needed and planned to help create him for all to see him.

This was my most solemn decision I ever made in my whole life. Part of a process of Married-life.

I wanted to study him in a petri-dish: impossible of course. I was forced to keep him in cage, where he stood waiting for me and sucked his thumb.

He waited for eye contact: The splendid love-state.

To be happy 'big time' ... we need Eye-contact with our whole Family in our own small village, with our Elected Mayor who hires one peace officer with no pocket Gun.

Steven's GranDad was also a big part of my investigation. Remember that eye contact is a necessary component of happiness.
Without Eye-contact....
Lethal loneliness starts.

These days were the most happy days of my life and my whole Family and my Wife's Family.
We were part of the One big planet God created.

Three questions still are un-answered for me at this moment in time.

1) Why are Fathers the visual messengers when we have a head full of telephone connections?
2) Is Dyslexia the missing hidden connection in the Chain of connections in our own heads?
3) Are telephone connections, insufficient, but more complete with Eye contact?

Denise had sad eyes that had no need
for keeping the connections connected.
She was disconnected or as the doctors call it

The cure, "reconnect"  with Don, Her husband. 
Partnerships is a decision we all make and know about; and it is all about uninterrupted "Eye Contact"

She didn't die, but She left me alone - a lethal blow to me.The chain of happy eye contacts was broken.
That leaving was a Curse.

Our first Father told us....
Never break the eye-chain of connections between the heads of  Family men.

Denise, is still God's Gift to me and I remain God's Gift to her. Only God can take back these Gifts; but never will. That is His eternal promise effective right Now.

No matter how much you enjoy the Devil' evil gifts, God keeps his promise to us.
This a lesson I learned as a child. At 83, I'm still a learning Child: one of billions without a teacher in eye-contact with me.

I seem to need more of Him every minute.

What I do know about the Devil are his gifts.
He gives us them only when we sleep in His Hotel, with someone.
When you leave His Hotel, he finds other tricky gifts for you to rent; guest gifts.

So, a simple thought from the Devil caused the depression, Denise felt.

Just one thought from an unknown Devil. He gives us these gifts while in His Hotel. When we rent the room with a lease; he no longer gives us gifts.

Our first father knew this might happen.

He told us to put the Devil back in his cage and our depressed states would leave instantly! This I have learned is true. Every time he temps you into his Hotel, simply command him to return to the cage God gave him to live; rent free. 
He goes there very quickly. He fears being homeless.

Homelessness is real Hell and I have experienced this once and one more has just arrived.

So, reach into your Head and use the gift God sent your Baby boys which the Devil called a learning disability.

This was a signal from God, that His One Big Family had to learn. He hides His precious gifts in words, we must solve.

The secret.... is eye contact.

The Dyslexia child and adult keeps eye-contact with the whole big Family who can all feel happiness  infinitely.
One dimension keeps growing infinitely. Multiply this diameter by 22/7 and other prime numbers and one big hotel will never run out of rooms.

Call this Hotel "Happy" [rooms always available]
Enough for today.

I have always fished for Good men
for  Great  women.
Don Wesley 1933

Until soon,

[One of the many Fathers who know a few parts of the Biggest  Puzzle]

   Mary's Boy