Tuesday, November 1

I, like most all dyslexics, see patterns in the world.

Dyslexics, see patterns and are prepared to wait for the Details of the parts



donwesley1933@ live.com

Where, we find something that we can’t understand, we take things apart to see how they work.
We are very careful to reassemble what we have taken apart.

Destructive exploration is extremely wasteful.

All children who pop out of water (like a fish) ~ don’t destroy their mothers.

Where do kids come from, is the normal question kids ask.

Now, I seem to see all the abnormal (lack of good patterns) things in life.

It has taken me, almost 5 Generations of examining abnormalities to realize why wise women, like me. I'll be 84 in a few months.

A few wise men, also like me.

I’m also inclined to think, that Christ also, was  dyslexic.

Poor Conduct Abnormalities in Kids: ?
Become Clever Criminal Abnormalities when they become Adults.

Maybe this is the problem in the Election:
November 8, 2016 ?

God, please Bless America once again.
Don Wesley.

Akiane and the good Patterns she liked.