Friday, February 25

Personal movies - circa 1960 - and Horses

Dear Vic
I write this email immediately after writing an email to Serge under the same
conversation title. 1960
The impact on me of seeing your DVDs is amazingly powerful.
I am not yet able to understand how this is going to affect my future work here
on this earth.
It is I suspect a “To be or Not to be Question.”
 for us as individuals and as a
global Family.
Uncontrolled changes in our society are so vividly and obviously occurring.
Some few in the middle economic bracket are OK for the moment,
but the other two are at war with each other.
Our governments cannot provide enough forces to protect our basic individual
rights and there are “In the nest martyrs every where.”
Your DVDs at this time, vividly alert me to what has changed in our social lives
between 1960 and 2011.
I cannot thank you and Maureen in words alone. Beautiful family growth!
This “eventful viewing” of your of DVDs,
beginning (with Horses (1961) and my present life
with friends in Chesterfield, and Serge,
all being with horses in the now being
is speaking so very loudly to me. To dramatize the contrast even more I mention
“Bin Ladin and his love for horses.”

This all strikes me as being prescient.

With amazing love for you and Maureen, Don
