Sunday, November 10

The barfly-customer-is-always-right-right!

10 November 2013. Six Hours to Remembrance Day.

What is the right thing to do? How do you measure it?

The barfly-customer-is-always-right-right! A good lesson or a Joke. Never assume anything!
What should the Bar owner do?
Will he avoid the temptation of Greed or sharpen his Virtue of wisdom?
Healthy drinking or un-healthy drinking; what determines what is right or wrong?
No measure; use Biblical discretion.

Hi, Old Buddy.

The opportunity to see, a lack of humility, can be found, moment by moment in the News Papers.
In Montreal, I could be whacked for revealing this.  “The idea of righteousness”  
I knew it was only a question of time, before you fell into Bovine Matter. i.e., Marin newspaper of some kind.
There is perfectly right; and there is unhealthy right. We must measure what is most needed. Science has no scales of measurement for it.
To be humble, we must chip away at the unfinished stone like a stone Mason.  All day and every day until we die.

Psychologists, measure the degree of disorder and the Psychiatrist prescribes the treatment.
Steven got the measurements wrong and flipped into unhealthy anger, when his treatments failed. The beautiful young lady of the night rejected him. He also did the measurements!
Steven maybe a Psychopath and I opine, [methinks] has an unhealthy borderline personality. I still love this child. My first, with Denise.  I wanted him, ever so much.  I forgave him long ago.
Doctor Lundel said it would take years for Steven to overcome to his behaviour.

Michael, on the other hand, calculated how much he could get away with. He is not a social-path; he just uses the behavior that he needs to succeed in stealing Dad's belongings.
Today they both cover their faces with Mask's of Shame.  See the following; I have a duty to rebuke them publically. The private one failed to have them ask for forgiveness.  

I have the “healthy” aspects of near-borderline personality. I need structure and obedience. My face is the real one, slim and intimidating: You will be heard and then spanked with kind words and given a hug at the same time.

However help is available immediately; Christ is knocking on your door and saying "Hey buddy, I have what you need to keep yourself from destroying yourself." He doesn't push you around; he just offers help and walks on to the next needy soul.

Most recovering from alcoholism, have gone the Christ-route. Self injury is wrong.

When I drank [not often] as a teenager at 14; I got drunk too quickly and would slap my own face with anger. It hurt, so I stopped drinking early. In the Officers Mess, at 17, we could buy beer. The Colonel watched us, while he got into a drunken stupor. He fined us "via a military trial-route", and made more money that way.   He called it a lesson in military law.
The Mafia will slap your hands or whack you.

The Bar-owner who is greedy for money, will say "pice on him" and "You don't matter and I don't mind".
There is healthily Narcissism and unhealthy Narcissism; this not what the shrinks say; which is “you are a Narcissist!”

Your smile [old Buddy] is much better now and your nose is slimming down; and I have tried, not to push you around.

And you said last week that your conversation with your daughter is more fluid; not a lube-job I hope. When you visited my home with your daughter, I heard these words for the very first time: I wondered.  Some drinking, maybe good; Unhealthy drinking is a heavy burden, which will kill you.

The Lady of Your home didn't push you either. She stayed awhile; and you stopped denying. 
Get rid of your pride. Work every day to find the sinful behavior in yourself. Only Christ displays perfect humility. What temptations have you resisted today?

I certainly can say with regret, that I’m not free of Sin myself. However, I do fear not getting through the curtain to heaven.  Life on earth isn’t full of joy; the man-made suffering is insane.
Francyne said I was in denial! Who did the measurements?  Is she one of Lucifer’s angelic flying devils?
On her best days she still carries her brooms.

Buddy old man; I was wondering what story I could write that would sell the idea of righteousness; for tomorrow on my blog.

You came forward with the little miracle I needed.  If you prefer I’ll remove it.
Thanks Buddy, you're wearing the sheepskin of a lamb; you’re a Christian and don't say so.  The Christian has an obligation to reveal the message of Christ.

Your Old Pastor Don, the bastard; an accident of birth and not self-made.
Only a temporary Chaplain!


-----Original Message-----

From: Buddy  
Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2013 8:07 AM
To: Don Wesley
Subject: Barfly: Some customers are more right than others - Marin Independent Journal
Sent from my iPad
