Saturday, April 19

For You, Dear Father...


The complete set of words from the card above.
For You, Dear Father
On Your Birthday.
and gentleness combined
A smile that's warm...
a way that's kind
The dearest friend
that one could find...
That is a father.
The busy days
and weeks go by
And you seldom hear
That you are the kind of father
Who means more
from year to year !
But fathers always understand
So maybe you can guess
The love and real affection
This is coming to express.

Happy Birthday

P.S.  Steven sent this for me, years ago... and I found it a few days ago. 
To me it is a gift from God that I found it in 2014. Don Wesley 1933.
I was born on Easter Monday, April 17, 1933.
I married Stevens Mother April 11, 1964.