Sunday, September 21

Even though, Love is everywhere, like air; just hug it with your awareness turned ON.

 (Updated September 22,  2014 by Don)
Headaches are not part of my life story, but I have one now, that is interrupting my peace. On and off for more than 12 hours now. a)  I never ever liked pain. b)  I’m truly aspiring for Heaven now.
c)  I’ve been asking God and he replies instantly “Not yet Don.”
d)  I like the idea of leaving and always have.
e) Even though, Love is everywhere, like air; you have to turn-up your "awareness knob" and then pull-in and not push aside the power of His loving hugs. Hugs, it is scientifically established, do increase the oxytocin levels in our blood; which magically it seems, turn us to loving everyone.   
f)  So just hug it with your awareness turned fully "on".
g)  Now you know how easy it is to be... a part of the power of Love...which is...  

"The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe and You." 