Monday, January 19

Technology - The Devils Paradise - God is the Cure.

To see more of the "Thinker" Stories.. follow this link below.
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These "ideas" for a new Post... in my tiny Inn; just pop in like, someone is travelling and going nowhere. They are like a "seed" that grows in minutes into a full Story of Love and Truth; from the darkness into light.

In my dark moments back in the 1950's; Music led me into the light. In 1962, I finally met my Soul-mate Denise. We were married in 1964, April 11. She was my Angel from Paradise. In those days, we didn't mention words like Heaven and God. However we sang knowing they existed. Here are two examples of how we talked about love in Paradise....




Denise lost Sight of Paradise and True
Love with its Light.

She became a part of the Devils paradise in the darkness.

"We made love, and never had Sex;
I always invited her to make Love."