Sunday, April 26

Narcissism - what its all about (Dr.Phil...) Subtracting from God

Don Wesley, is a thinker.
To see more of the "Thinker" type Stories.. follow this link below.

I chose to make this Dr. Phil Show, part of my Blog collection. Over 1350 partial stories I thought about, since I was 3 years old. This is my collection since I was,  77 years old and Homeless.

This show, reveals how children get directions from a 'narcissist' parent, who instructs them where they 'must' keep their own awareness on, to survive.
The narcissist wants their children's eyes on she/him ? 

One or the other is the choice they allow the children whose wisdom is there but lacking in years of knowledge; wisdom  of knowing what shame a 'narcissist' does create as a mental condition. Humanity it seems has too many who have the shame 'flu'.

The best way to survive is to 'love' Humanity; and both parents as 'One.' Keep your eyes on Humanity and not just your Parents. Humanity is Gods one family. It took me years to fully comprehend this strange idea.

Follow the directions from Jesus. The GPS master.

Awareness is the 'state' of, of love,  focusing on what you need to see. Jesus, instructs us to Love each  other.
The noun 'love' is a 'state' of awareness coupled with kindness.
We measure this state of awareness and caring kindness. It is not on or off nor black or white switch. It helps to know how to measure things.
For real deep measuring, study Physics and Math.

I did; now I'm more curious about what others may not see and thereby injure people like children for ever, delaying their entrance to Gods promised heaven.
And do even more injury to the whole dysfunctional family, with too many different minds that need to be 'integrated' into one.
We don't see what don't know exists. A GPS system in your car gives detailed road instructions; you don't know. Once you know; you can ignore the GPS.  It makes driving more certain and leaves you to think about other tiny things.
We can't see God....  but we know where we need to be with Him.  So get Gods Pointing System = (GPS)
This is simple way to get to your Kind and always fully aware.. God, your  Father in Heaven, waiting just for you. If you care about yourself to a very high degree, you will experience self-esteem and be seen as knowing how to use the power of your own will. "Know thy self."
Avoid Narcissistic Parents. They don't focus on you.
They must together... focus on Gods' Humanity.

My wife was exactly a Narcissistic parent .
I haven't seen my children, since my wife
had me evicted from the Organic Family Home.
40 years of loving that Heavenly Home

This type 'love' is a 'verb' an action, and has nothing to do with penetrating to have children come into a spiritual being covered with Flesh.

Published on Sep 8, 2013

On this show, she said...
Dr. Phil TV Show.
"I'm not good enough for anyone, no one took the time to be
there for me".
A view they have of themselves from their own parents/caregivers.
A defense against this feeling is reaction formation, they do anything to appear as the OPPOSITE of what they really are, and end up believing no one else is good enough for THEM.
Paradoxes is then queued up, because they need others to confirm themselves.
Thus the control freaks, lack of empathy, egocentricity, very vulnerable to criticism and all that comes with these traits.
They live their lives in a fantasy bubble.
When they become parents they destroy children for life.
On the other hand, narcissists normally don't have self insight like this lady unless they are under pressure (divorce?).
Maybe her behavior here is just a play, after all she is on Dr.Phil.