Monday, May 11

Child of Rage - The Documentary (Part 1)

Hi and much welcome, to my virtual home, in this Blog.
My name is Don. I was told on the day my mother-in-laws

remains and last hours were in our catholic church in her casket.

My wife's nephew was to tell "me" in a few hours the family secret, that no one told me before I married Denise Wesley, in1964.
"She had been abused as a child by her father."

This was partly true. The abuser, was her mother.

Life and happiness turned down-hill for me. Denise now became my abuser. This is a story about abusing an elder; "me", the priest and psychoanalyst said it was repressed anger stored and ready in the mind of Denise with sufficient power to kill, without regret.

Child of Rage - The Documentary (Part 1)
Uploaded on Sep 27, 2009Beth Thomas, once labeled "The Child Of Rage" by HBO, tells the story of her healing from Reactive Attachment Disorder in a powerful story you will never forget! Beth's story of hope and healing will touch your life forever.