Wednesday, June 17

“It’s an insane world, and in an insane world, sane organizations make no sense.” A Family is an organization ?

“It’s an insane world, and in an insane world, sane organizations make no sense.” A Family is an organization ?

Everyday I collect ideas that interest me; for my many moods and other reasons.  Then on unexpected days I put a few together and a new story appears with this "different-context" that draws in other good minds. Everything grows organically.

“It’s an insane world, and in an insane world, sane organizations make no sense.”
These are  the words I heard in 1994.
It is now 2015 and most all social organizations are using the computer tool to think; and cars to drive in.
New thoughts I created are "Family members are created in the Belly of the Mother. Fathers also need to nurture the baby in the womb."

For me, the world is like a car, that just sits there, and then a human driver gets in, turns the battery on, starts the gas engine, and drives around a beautiful world.

The world has millions of potential drivers, with evilly inclined brains.

Then I talk to people who only walk and find millions of beautiful minds. Is the car the insane asylum invention?