Monday, July 6

When I met my wife to be, I noticed the cuts and the burns on her hands, and wondered a lot.

January 2, 2014.

She was 21 and I was 28. Denise and Me.
This was new to me. But I loved her. She was smart, but different and creative in certain ways. I just accepted her every being.

I'm 80+ now and I miss her and love her even more.  She gave me two boys.
I have watched the following quiet and yet oh-so loud and powerful video and I love this unknown young lady. Her Name is Cassie... |
I'm not with you two girls; so I send my
un-relenting Love, just after Christmas time,
Don Wesley 1933.

She, the beautiful young woman above, says
"If You Really Knew Me!"  

She, my lover, became Mrs. Denise Claire Wesley in the Year of 1964; in the month of April; on the 11th day.  It ended.... according the laws of relationships June 9, 2013. A so-called "Divorce." We were married under the Laws of God; and in accord with Our-Marriage-Contract; these two contracts have not been "Dissolved. "
January 3, 2014.

Denise, [God loves her] still suffers the injuries she endured as a child. She still injures herself now, thinking she is not good enough now.
Denise, my love, "You are an Angel!"

I also know you are a narcissist; you will throw me away when you find a more interesting toy, or boy.
But I'm an Angel too and you can never be better than me. The lesson to be learned, is that in the Eyes of God, we are Equal. Please stop throwing me away and dragging me back in. We are hurting our Family and that is not fair; it is Cruel!
Don't be shy, many women miss-treat their husbands in this manner of behaving. Please don't de-mean him while he is gone.
You Promised to Love me and obey me. Did you not?

Oh yes, I also know you were smart enough to survive as a child. You used different personalities in different situations. I want everyone to know you are The Angel, I said you were, from the beginning. Only children from an angel like you was good enough for me. I'm selfish; it is the choice I made to have you.