Monday, January 11

"Our Emotions are there to use: Seeing them being used by others keeps our Hearts Warm and always Kind"

"Our Emotions are there to use: Seeing them being used by others keeps our Hearts Warm and always Kind"

January 11, 2016
Our Emotions are there to use!

I'll be 83 in April and I can only see God ~ and love Him.

 All my family except my Sister, maybe dead and gone. My sister can call me and I'll pay the costs of the telephone calls.

My family used to send me Christmas cards, but I no longer get any cards not even birthday cards.

Do they loose their emotions in Heaven or Hell?

Don Wesley is my name and I use my emotions every day; I can tell by the tears in my eyes most every day that flies by and I know God loves me!

The Courts of Justice haven't been lucky for me, but I created an INN of Justice; You are visiting now. Feel Welcome!

Our Common Wealth Royal Family, gives us the gift of seeing them use their emotions, good or bad. We need examples of Family's that train to be the best they can be. Are your neighbors trying to be their best. I know I tried my best to be a good soul-mate for everyone.
I hope you enjoy seeing [and feeling] just a tiny part of how difficult it is to be part of the Royal Family.

I can not see what has happened to my case, in the Courts of Justice: What is justice here on Earth?