Saturday, April 2

The demands to constantly balance everything we do - Why

Blogged April 2, 2016 by Don-Wesley 1933

Balancing is what we all have to perform day by day, seemly for ever.
Constant balancing is not the same as being in-tune. The dates to balance are not habits, but chaotic. This keeps us off balance, with more work to do. Why was my question.

Flies follow us and birds up and fly with us also. Balancing is what we all have to perform day by day, seemly for ever.
Constant balancing is not the same as being in-tune.
The schedule to balance are not habits, but chaotic. That keeps us off balance.

Being in tune, in one only rhythm, is being in constant touch with God. That is when our bodies renew or are reborn as the old world said.

Sneeze away sin: then He will lift you up, one level higher and eventually, you’ll have no more fees to pay - to the next level up. The closer you get to Him; the fewer sneezing attacks you’ll have.

Finally..... No fee time arrives – with hopefully a proud silent Death.

Convince yourself to dance with the music and flow.. Crowds Love seeing people in tune with each other: especially Mom And Dad. What difference the world would be all dancing in line.Watch the birds fly like a well trained team.

Our blood flows with ease and without  much effort from our heart and slipping over the miles of arteries and veins through every tiny cell in our body.  See the birds follow the tiny plane - Why can't we follow one God.

The Lesser follow the Higher