Tuesday, November 25

Killing Lazarus - Kill for fun

Hi and welcome into my Blog and Diary. My name is Don.
I have studied Science since I entered High School (Grade 8) I graduated in grade 11. Our study covered Natural and Social Science and Literature. During those years we also had Bible Lessons.

During those years we took Oath's; not to lie... may God strike you dead.
Since I believed in God I chose never to lie. To this day, I love Denise Wesley and forgive her sins. A minister I went to, prayed for a miracle "to see us re-marry" 
My religion was Presbyterian Protestant.
I continued on and went on to study Military Science and received the Military Officers Commission, in 1952 at the age of 19. The Military is very serious and to be an Officer,
you must be very Smart and must Follow Orders. In the Common Wealth, we were there to Defend, and if necessary to kill an enemy who didn't stop at the border of one our Nations, like Australia or Canada etc.  

In 1962 I met Denise Prevost, a very smart young woman of Catholic Faith.
She worked for a Lawyer (Paul Gelinas) who was part of the Defense team for a women who shot and killed her husband. The woman was arrested and tried for murder.

Denise was very proud of Paul Gelinas for getting Mrs. Beaty to be found innocent.
In 1964 Denise and I were married in a Catholic Church (The Vatican Pope)
Together we raised three boys. We seemed to create beauty for years; seen by others who knew our family well. When the boys entered their high school years; two in catholic and one in protestant, our little family dysfunction began. As good people we went for family psychoanalyzing. The three boys and me used a Military Veterans psychiatrist, Dr. Lundell. Doctor Lundell, who met Denise, told me "Denise is going to kill you" I didn't believe him. Years later, when both her parents were dead, I was told the "family secret". Denise was abused as child.  From the day her mother died Denise became a stranger and hated me. I truly became frightened of her new personality.
I began to use the internet to find case studies of people who turn to Murder. The internet, is  far from being a Social Science College.
After 47 years of Marriage (still acceptable) she began her killing process. A Child of Rage - it is called/

This week I found on YouTube  -  Killing Lazarus - Kill for fun.
You will be amazed, finding out how long it can take to find the one who killed

For the whole story about Denise and Don, please follow me here 
