Monday, December 29

"Light years of thoughts to fifteen minutes" by Don Wesley

Serge, thanks for this morning’s chat; it is brimming with unusual thinking and writing.

When I realize that it is some 375 years since the moon returned to its same geometric position and the refracted sunlight baths it in shades of red.  Those of us in the northern hemisphere saw it at 1:30 AM last night. 
Then, I think of 2000 years since the birth of Christ and we still try to understand his thoughts.
Time in one sense seems to separate thoughts.  While at the same time we recognize that thoughts can travel through space forever. Relativity determines which view we are talking about. We know this from Einstein’s work.
You and I ponder what thoughts Stinger, your horse, has in him for us. Only one of the two possibilities seems reasonable to consider. What is so special about thoughts we can’t see, but know exist the bodies of other intelligent beings.

The "mind," different from the "brain is a reality" so we do have a reasonable explanation for two methods of receiving thoughts from other beings. I can refer you to another post which explains more of this type:  ..

Prophets and Saints from centuries back put some of their thinking into written words and these words continue to sell books today.
Yet, light or photons travel for ever; we talk of planets being light years away. As an example, I remember playing with a crystal set and hearing radio stations miles away.

What I’m getting to is that we don’t know if thoughts are in our heads or not; no more than the radio station was in the crystal set.   And are the thoughts in me now really mine or thoughts from light years away?

And thoughts, within ‘the me in me’ are what are overflowing to you now.
I offer the following thought; let us ponder the thoughts that have been flowing to us from sometime away for they appear to be knowledge of wisdom that continues to flow to us cyclically.

Until soon, Aware of and caring about you

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