Monday, December 29

Soul, Solitude, Music and Soft Light

Hi everyone and welcome. My Name is Don Wesley. Christmas 2014 has just left us and I feel like I'm grieving. They say it is better to talk about it. So I'm repeating this email from 2/23/11. If you feel sad, then I know you have compassion, and are kind. You are part of the 20 percent who behave this way. I lost everything and my whole family including my dog, in 2009. This happening first occurred on Christmas 2008. One person lit the metaphorical fire. She lost her mother that year and lit the fire of hell for me. She is part of the 80 percent who passive aggressive.
My Blog is all about Evil. Hold on to your favorite pet.

I can add that Nicky my dog, would approach me, at  my studio desk,
and so quietly nudge me with his nose.
I swear to God Serge, I felt his two nudges on my left leg
 as I watched your video with Stinger.

This has happened many times to me Serge; it is so spooky.
 I am attaching a picture of him just because I have to.
He died at my right leg, while in the car with me;
he had been poisoned, two days after I had received a death threat by email.
I have always believed it was a B.....  that arranged his death.
I was evicted from home two days later.

I held his paw as he drew his last breath while gazing into my eyes.
It was midnight just outside of Tim Horton’s, 2009.
 I cried for an hour.

And yes the physics of light and our shared working experiences are relevant here.

Light travels forever; we talk about stars being thousands of light-years away.
This not folklore; this is physics; hard science.
And with you I need only mention “Integrated Lighting Limited” you and I and Jarislowsy;
a company which I started to uniquely deal with the light in the architectural sense.
The great big projects we experienced back in the 1960’s; wow too.
You and I met Denise while I was President of Integrated.

While alone for so many years working in my office and studio (as you are now) I would create videos of pictures and soft music and label them, Soul, Solitude and Soft Music.

With great sorrow, I lost Nicky, my Home and My Granddaughter Zayne.
Serge we cannot forget what travels for ever and that is light, and we receive it in the ‘Mind.’
When think of it in that sense; I can re-say Soul, Solitude, Music and Soft Light.

From: SH
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 7:57 AMTo: Don Wesley
Thanks Don;
I guess your words describe the moment beautifully. It's time like those that bring great joy to me. In his simple way Stinger now provides the inspiration for much of what I do. On mornings like last Sunday I stand and stare in amazement at the contrasts that I see. There before me I see an animal that possess great power. You can see it in his muscles as he stands there sniffing the air and listening to the sounds around him and, I see it as he moves, from his slow ambling walks to his bursts of bucking and occasional rearing. And I see his gentle side when he stops and looks at me from across the arena and then comes to me to rub his nose against me shoulder. They are special moments the he and I share. Each day is a moment of discovery, a new journey.
I'm tied to my desk today trying to prepare a supportive document. The people that I work with at Metalumen are not lighting people. The business evolved from a "tin bending" shop into a lighting fixture maker. The engineering staff is drawn from CAD operators with absolutely no lighting experience. Go figure. These people are supposed to design lighting instruments without any understanding of the physics of light nor for the appreciation of the impact lighting has on architectural aesthetics and human response to the environment.
So I must return to my toils

I just watched it on Facebook. Wow.
My comments:
Soul, Solitude , Sunday and Spirited Music.

Precious Serge, just precious.