Saturday, January 10

I Dis-like Bullies... and those who use them. YOUR HONOR?

My name is Don Wesley
I have a friend... down under who is just getting on the train to Hell.
Your Honors' Court for separating Families; a processing system.

Uploaded on Feb 6, 2008
Juli Alexander, Executive Director of Redress, Inc. candidly discusses the present condition of the American judicial system. Examples of life destroying decisions void of common sense, morality and law handed down by judges are cited. The newest malady evolving from courtroom encounters called "Legal Abuse Syndrome" is explained. The

accountability, qualifications and even the sanity of some judges are questioned and with good reason. The self policing or rather non-policing of judges is discussed and questioned.
The fact that many actions have now been undertaken by judicial officers to protect themselves from the very people that they are sworn to protect is offered as a prime example of their fear of retaliation by those they "judge."
The phenomenon of "power addiction" is also introduced.

Don't let yourself become the next court room victim leaving a hearing wondering what happened to justice. See and hear what Juli has to say.