Saturday, April 4

Get to Know God and you will never keep your eyes off Him - maybe Her.

I have trouble just stopping, to meditate, and losing all that He reveals to me. You too... can feel this way.
I sleep all day and write and eat during the night while living under the star light.

[This morning is an exception: I married Denise on April 4, 1964.]

He, God,  shows me the good, live-way to live, and enjoy life and He also reveals the way we can slip into evil--living - (live vs. evil)
We must help each other from slipping into a completely evil life. We don't seem to know how to treat or deal with Evil people. They create schizophrenic societies; which makes life horrible for the majority, who love perfect natural living entities.

Work towards being a perfect live-life.
When we forget God, evil slips out of our one computer-brain . Animals, it seems, treat us like Gods. Especially our Dog. They live with us, using our one Mind; the electromagnetic one: it never dies.
I'm here... because I love this soul mate picture.

Soul Mates are not equal in size...
Just equal Soul content - all Heart, with great tender licks to give each other.

Soul Mates. Not equal in size...
Just equal Soul Content - all Heart

An evil person killed my Nicky with poison.
I, His God, couldn't save Him and I cried while I held his paw and he passed on to heaven. He stood on guard for me and My Soul-mate Denise Wesley.
She just left me, to live alone. She seemed to have slipped into the evil-way.
I keep asking God to return her to me. But when evil gets a hold on you; Your sight, no longer works in the soul light.
It works only in the world,

where flesh exists.